In case the issuer needs to publish an interim announcement on material matters occurred, the issuer may engage the credit rating agency to prepare a new rating report at its own discretion or upon the request of the entrusted bonds manager and shall make statements for the same. 发行人发生需临时公告的重大事项时,发行人可自行或应债券受托管理人的要求聘请资信评级机构对公司债券进行重新评级并公告。
In 1997, the State Council Securities Commission issued the "Interim Office of the Convertible Bonds," and began to carry out non-listed companies in the broader area of the pilot issue of convertible bonds. 1997年,国务院证券委员会颁布了《可转换债券管理暂行办法》,并开始在非上市公司中进行面积更为广泛的可转债发行试点。